Flowers to the River: Tsering Wangmo Dhompa Poetry Reading

A person with long black hair smiles at the viewer.
Tsering Wangmo Dhompa

Join us Friday, September 22, at 6 pm, for a reading by poet Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, Assistant Professor of English at Villanova University. This reading is the first event in the series Flowers to the River: Tibetan Poetry in Dialogue.

In connection with Forms of Awakening: Selections from the Jack Shear Collection of Himalayan Art, Flowers to the River: Tibetan Poetry in Dialogue explores connections between the visual art featured in the exhibition and the work of contemporary Tibetan poets and translators through readings, discussions, a poetry workshop, and a film screening.

The event is free and open to the public.

About the Speaker

Tsering Wangmo Dhompa is the author of the poetry books, My Rice Tastes Like the Lake, In the Absent Everyday, and Rules of the House (all from Apogee Press, Berkeley) and three chapbooks of which Revolute was published in 2021 by Albion Books. Dhompa’s first non-fiction book, Coming Home to Tibet was published in the US by Shambhala Publications in 2016 and by Penguin, India in 2014. She was born in India and raised in the Tibetan refugee communities in India and Nepal. Dhompa teaches in the English Department at Villanova University.

Flowers to the River: Tibetan Poetry in Dialogue Events

About Solomon Residencies

The Alfred Z. Solomon Residency Fund was established by a bequest to Skidmore College in 2005. It supports short and long-term residencies at the Tang Teaching Museum in collaboration with Art History and Art departments to bring notable scholars, artists, and critics to classrooms, studios, and the museum. The residencies address a wide range of issues in the visual arts and feature a variety of opportunities for both formal and informal interaction.

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