Tang National Advisory Council

The National Advisory Council of the Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery offers advice and guidance to the Tang Teaching Museum in its efforts to maintain, enhance, and present the museum’s artistic and teaching program.

The NAC supports the Tang Museum in carrying out its mission through advocacy and philanthropy, and offers advice and recommendation on the Tang Museum’s formal policies.

NAC members are appointed by the Dayton Director in consultation with the NAC Executive Committee. Members are advocates of the Tang Teaching Museum whose experience and expertise benefits the museum and Skidmore College


Barbara Kahn Moller ’78, P’11, P’13, Co-Chair
Ann Schapps Schaffer ’62, Co-Chair
Camilo Alvarez ’98
Sara Arnell ’82
John Beckman ’94
Barry Blumberg P’26
Louise Lambert Braver ’61
Daniel Byers ’03
Sally Whitman Coleman ’87
Joan Layng Dayton ’63, P’90, P’93
Grace DeGennaro ’78
Michele A. Dunkerley ’80
Alexander Egan ’07
Bil Ehrlich
Jessica Eisenthal ’03
Judith Pick Eissner ’64
Sarah Gavlak P’26
Molly Brister Haley ’64, P’93
Brece Honeycutt ’83
Jamie Hort P’25
Elizabeth Hughes ’92
Meg Reitman Jacobs ’63, P’91
Fitzhugh Karol ’04
David Levine ’91
Sarah Lutz ’89
Iris Marden ’71, P’01
Kate Neisser ’87
Betsy Senior
Jonathan Singer ’92
Michael Stein ’90
Leslie Tonkonow ’74
Argyris (“RJ”) Vassiliou P’23
Jonathan Winter ’07

Emeriti Members

Susan Rabinowitz Malloy ’45
Janet Lucas Whitman ’59

Ex Officio

Ian Berry P’23, Dayton Director, Tang Teaching Museum, Skidmore College
Marc Conner, President, Skidmore College
Dayna Joseph ‘19 Co chair Tang Contemporaries Advisory Council
Dorothy Mosby, Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Skidmore College
Alec Unkovic ‘12, Co-Chair, Tang Contemporaries Advisory Council


Lori Eastman ’87, Associate Vice President of Advancement, Skidmore College
Jeanne Urquhart ’82, Director of Principal Gifts and Strategy, Skidmore College
kelly ward P’12, Assistant to the Director and NAC Liaison, Tang Teaching Museum, Skidmore College

Past Members

Susie Allen ’87, P’15
Constance Ayars ’72
Beverly Beatson Grossman ’58
Mark Beckerman
Nancy Brennan ’72
Rona Citrin P’09
Jill Holler Durovsik ’78
Jed Garfield ’85
Kathryn G. Graham ’69
Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad P’13
Sandy Lipson ’71
Susan Rabinowitz Malloy ’45
Beverley Estabrook Mastrianni ’76
Deirdre McBreen ’78
M. Alexis McCormack ’78
Katherine Michaelsen P’02
Art Molella
James Ryman
Linda Gross Singer ’58
Nobel Smith
Kristen Tang ’92
Nancy Voorhees
Ed Wachenheim P’85, P’88, P’01
Adam Weinberg
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