Elevator Music 7
Billboard: R. Luke DuBois

Billboard is a digital analysis of every number one single from the Billboard magazine’s Hot 100 chart from its inception in 1958 through the year 2000. Using a technique he developed called time-lapse phonography, R. Luke DuBois creates a spectral average of each song that generates a sustained chord of an average timbre or tone. The results are recomposed into a continuous piece based on their duration at the top of the charts, with one second of playback for each week the song was number one.

Billboard creates a bird’s-eye view of the Billboard Hot 100 by enabling the listener to experience 857 songs in about thirty-seven minutes. The duration of an average elevator ride corresponds roughly to a year of hits. The video monitor displays the song title and artist for the currently playing modified single.

2005, 36 Minutes, Audio/video installation, Courtesy of the artist.

Exhibition Name
Elevator Music 7
Billboard: R. Luke DuBois
Exhibition Type
Solo Exhibitions
Elevator Music Series
Mar 18, 2006 - Jun 4, 2006
Elevator Music 7 is organized by Patrick O’Rourke, Head Designer and Media Specialist, Tang Museum, in collaboration with the artist, R. Luke DuBois.
R. Luke DuBois
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