Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Touch Sanitation Performance, “Handshake Ritual” with Workers of New York City Department of Sanitation, 1977- 1980, color photograph, 60 x 90 inches, courtesy of the artist and Ronald Feldman Gallery
Installation view, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
John O'Connor, A Recurrence Plot, 2013, colored pencil, graphite, and acrylic on paper, 71 ½ x 69 ¾ inches, courtesy of the artist and Pierogi Gallery
Installation view, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Installation view, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Installation of The Social Mirror by Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Mierle Laderman Ukeles, The Social Mirror, 1983, mirror covered sanitation truck, 28 feet, 2 inches x 8 feet, 4 inches x 10 feet, 6 inches, courtesy of New York City Department of Sanitation and the artist, image courtesy Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York
Installation view, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Installation of Capitalism Works For Me! True/False, 2011, by Steve Lambert, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Installation view, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Installation view of Meeting of the Elders 3, 1977, by Irving Norman, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Installation view, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Installation view, Classless Society, Tang Teaching Museum, 2013
Jim Goldberg, This is the most terrible picture ever taken, from Rich and Poor, 1984, gelatin silver print, 11 x 14 inches, courtesy of the artist and Stephen Wirtz Gallery
Tina Barney, The Reunion, 1999, chromogenic color print, 48 x 60 inches, copyright Tina Barney, courtesy of Janet Borden, Inc., New York