Rose Ocean: Living with Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp’s (1887–1968) ideas about what art can be and how art can function in the world make him arguably the most important voice in visual art of the last century. He revolutionized art and how we understand art, and continues to do so across multiple generations, for makers and thinkers alike. Rose Ocean: Living with Duchamp revisits a 2003 Tang Museum exhibition also called Living with Duchamp, and will feature works by more than 30 contemporary artists whose conceptual and irreverent works engage with Duchamp’s oeuvre. The artists in the exhibition play with notions of construction and improvisation to question our making of the world through systems of language, knowledge, objects, and information. They engage with gender and alter egos, and tease out power relationships in art and art history.
In addition, Duchamp extended his provocations to exhibition making, by designing installations that countered the white walls and rectilinear spaces of modernist galleries. Rather than ensuring viewers an unimpeded interaction with the works on display, Duchamp obstructed sightlines and pathways within the exhibition space to complicate and highlight the act of viewing. In the Duchampian spirit, Rose Ocean will be designed in collaboration with students from Associate Professor Michael Oatman’s “Marcel Duchamp Seminar” in the School of Architecture at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY.
Exhibition Name
Rose Ocean: Living with Duchamp
Exhibition Type
Group Exhibitions
Malloy Wing
Feb 17, 2018 - May 20, 2018
Rose Ocean: Living with Duchamp is curated by Dayton Director Ian Berry.
Matthew Antezzo, Diane Arbus, Robert Arneson, Matthew Barney, Alan Belcher, Zeke Berman, Mike Bidlo, Michael Brown, Carter, Andy Coolquitt, Stephen Dean, Marcel Duchamp, Louis Féron, Martha Friedman, Jan Galligan, , Robert Gober, Kathy Grove, David Hammons, Tim Hawkinson, Julian Hoeber, Ray Johnson, Matt Keegan, Martin Kersels, André Kertesz, Anya Kielar, Rachel Lachowicz, Marko Lehanka, Sophie Matisse, Allan McCollum, Sheila Metzner, Jonathan Monk, Yasumasa Morimura, John Newman, Michael Oatman, Zachary Pearson, Richard Pettibone, Francis Picabia, Amy Podmore, Man Ray, David Robbins, Naomi Savage, Jonathan Seliger, Jana Sterbak, Michael St. John, Vibeke Tandberg, Johannes VanDerBeek, Douglas Vogel, Andy Warhol, Julian Wasser, Ai Weiwei, Millie Wilson
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