Recent Acquisitions

This exhibition introduces a selection of artworks acquired by the Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery during its inaugural year 2001. These seven works exemplify the diversity of style and medium found in the United States during the 20th century. Gifts include important works of photography, turned wood, abstract painting, conceptual sculpture, and multi-media installation by influential artists: Harry Callahan, John Gutmann, Michael D. Mode, David Robbins, Joan Snyder, Jon Kessler, and Krsytof Wodiczko.
The breadth and caliber of the museum’s growing collection is a testament to the generosity of Skidmore’s alumni and the museum’s growing group of friends.
Exhibition Name
Recent Acquisitions
Exhibition Type
Group Exhibitions
State Farm Mezzanine Gallery
Feb 2, 2002 - Apr 14, 2002
Recent Acquisitions is organized by the Tang Teaching Museum.
Harry Callahan, Michael Mode, Joan Snyder
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