Opener 2
Paul Henry Ramirez:
Elevatious Transcendsualistic

Defying the boundaries between artwork and display wall, Paul Henry Ramirez: Elevatious Transcendsualistic expanded a series of fourteen large-scale abstract paintings into a plurality of experiences. Curvaceous forms, heavy drips, flying squirts, and waving hairs painted directly onto gallery surfaces emanated from painted panels and flowed onto adjoining walls and floors, exemplifying Ramirez’s approach to architectural space as an empty canvas ready to be integrated with his playfully biomorphic imagery. Specially designed sounds, furniture, and choreography were added to the site to extend Ramirez’s explorations of space in sensual new directions.

The result, whether found within the borders of each individual painting or discovered while wandering through the installation, was a multivalent dialogue between architectural lines, painted shapes, and sculptural forms.

An accompanying catalogue by Ian Berry, Curator of the Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, with an essay by Debra Fernandez, is available.

Exhibition Name
Opener 2
Paul Henry Ramirez:
Elevatious Transcendsualistic
Exhibition Type
Opener Series
Solo Exhibitions
Atrium and State Farm Mezzanine Gallery
Nov 2, 2002 - Dec 31, 2002
Opener 2 is organized by Ian Berry, Curator of the Tang Teaching Museum, in collaboration with the artist, Paul Henry Ramirez.
Paul Henry Ramirez
Past related events
Nov 2, 2002, 7 PM
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