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Anya Kielar
on Red Crowd, 2008
Anya Kielar on Red Crowd, 2008

On March 27, 2014, artist Anya Kielar was interviewed by Skidmore College students Sage Barlow ’14 and Ayelen Pagnanelli ’14 about her work Red Crowd, 2008, in the exhibition One Work, 2014.

This interview was part of a series of interviews with artists in One Work organized and conducted by Skidmore students in the Art History course AH-351A. The series was supported by The Alfred Z. Solomon Residency Fund.

About Anya Kielar

New York-based artist Anya Kielar creates two- and three-dimensional collages, paintings, and drawings, experimenting with a wide range of techniques and materials that have included dyeing fabric, sand painting, and altering the weave of burlap. Her work shows the influence of a range of interests, including theater, fashion, photography, early modernist style, and ancient art and artifacts. Many of her works explore representations of the female form and play with signifiers of femininity.

In 2008 she began experimenting with spraying pigment over objects, leaving stencil-like outlines of the objects surrounded by a cloud of color to create what she calls a “sprayogram.” These playful, unruly compositions, reminiscent of photographic negatives and photograms, refer back to surrealist collage, and the “Rayograms” of Man Ray.

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Kielar, Anya. “Anya Kielar on Red Crowd.” Interview by Sage Barlow and Ayelen Pagnanelli. 2014. Tang Teaching Museum collections website, last modified October 17, 2018.
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