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Katy Schimert
on Armored Landscape, 1994
Katy Schimert on Armored Landscapes, 1994

In spring 2014 artist Katy Schimert was interviewed by Skidmore College students Heather Ashe โ€™14 and Adam Smith-Perez โ€™14 about her work, Armored Landscapes, 1994, in the exhibition One Work, 2014.

This interview was part of a series of interviews with artists in One Work organized and conducted by Skidmore students in the Art History course AH-351A. The series was funded by The Alfred Z. Solomon Residency Fund.

About Katy Schimert
Katy Schimert is a New York-based who creates work in a wide range of media, including drawing, sculpture, and video that resemble dream-like, otherworldly, and cosmic landscapes. Interested in the interplay between the concrete and the conceptual, Schimert merges natural forms found in the landscape with elemental, abstract shapes that imbue her work with a mythic or archetypal resonance.
Five metal, silver, mountainous sculptures sit on a dark floor.
info Created with Sketch. plus Created with Sketch.
Katy Schimert (born Grand Island, New York, 1963)
Armored Landscapes, 1994
sheet metal
Purchased with funds in honor of Morgan Leger Rosenberg, Class of 2009

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Schimert, Katy. โ€œKaty Schimert on Armored Landscape.โ€ Interview by Heather Ashe and Adam Smith-Perez. 2014. Tang Teaching Museum collections website, last modified October 17, 2018.
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