Collection Explore
Whiting Tennis
on the Unconscious Line
Whiting Tennis on the unconscious line
Opener 22: Whiting Tennis, on view from September 3 – December 30, 2011, was the first solo museum show for Whiting Tennis. The exhibition included sculpture, painting, drawing, and collage from the past twelve years. During the installation of the exhibition, Tennis sat down with the Tang to discuss his artistic practice.
An abstract painting of a forest with chopped tree trunks near the front and stone-like and metal-like materials scattered around the damaged trees.
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Whiting Tennis (born Hampton, Virginia, 1959)
Wilderness Painting, 2011
acrylic and collage on canvas
Gift of The New Foundation Seattle

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Tennis, Whiting. “Whiting Tennis on the Unconscious Line.” 2011. Tang Teaching Museum collections website, last modified October 19, 2018.
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