Collection Explore
Paula Wilson
interview by Serena Hildebrandt ’20 and Lindsey Poremba ’18
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Paula Wilson on Data Unloaded, 2008
On October 13, 2017, Skidmore students Serena Hildebrandt ’20 and Lindsey Poremba ’18 interviewed artist Paula Wilson about her work Data Unloaded, 2008, from the Tang collection.

On October 13, 2017, Skidmore students Serena Hildebrandt ’20 and Lindsey Poremba ’18 interviewed artist Paula Wilson about her work Data Unloaded, 2008, from the Tang collection.

This interview was part of a series of interviews with artists conducted by Skidmore students in the Art History course “The Artist Interview,” led by Dayton Director Ian Berry.

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Paula Wilson (born Chicago, Illinois, 1975)
Data Unloaded , 2008
collage, watercolor, colored pencil on paper
Gift of Ann and Mel Schaffer Family Collection

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Wilson, Paula. “Paula Wilson interview by Serena Hildebrandt ’20 and Lindsey Poremba ’18.” Interview by Serena Hildebrandt and Lindsey Poremba. 2017. Tang Teaching Museum collections website, last modified November 7, 2019.
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