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Syd Carpenter
on Ellis and Anna Mae Thomas (from Places of Our Own), 2009-2010
Syd Carptenter on Ellis and Anna Mae Thomas (from Places of Our Own)
Skidmore students Rose White ’20 and Olivia Golden ’18 interview artist Syd Carptenter about her piece “Ellis and Anna Mae Thomas” (from Places of Our Own), 2009-2010, in the Tang Teaching Museum collection.

On October 27, 2017, artist Syd Carpenter was interviewed by Skidmore College students Rose White ’20 and Olivia Golden ’18 about her work Ellis and Anna Mae Thomas (from Places of Our Own), 2009-2010, in the Tang Teaching Museum collection.

This interview was part of a series of interviews with artists conducted by Skidmore students in the Art History course “The Artist Interview,” led by Dayton Director Ian Berry.

A dark, metallic sculpture of a birds-eye view of a farm with a silo and barn near the top of the sculpture and trees surrounding a field on the bottom.
info Created with Sketch. plus Created with Sketch.
Syd Carpenter (born Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1953)
Ellis and Anna Mae Thomas [from Places of Our Own], 2009-2010
earthenware, acrylic, graphite
Gift of the artist

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Carpenter, Syd. “Syd Carpenter on Ellis and Anna Mae Thomas (from Places of Our Own), 2009-2010.” Interview by Rose White and Olivia Golden. 2017. Tang Teaching Museum collections website, last modified September 4, 2019.
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