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Joan Snyder
on Waiting for a Miracle (for Nina and John), 1986
Joan Snyder on Waiting for a Miracle (for Nina and John), 1986
Artist Joan Snyder was interviewed by Skidmore College students Celia Caldas ’14 and Sarah Dinkelacker ’14 about her work “Waiting for a Miracle (for Nina and John),” 1986, in the exhibition “One Work,” 2014.

Artist Joan Snyder was interviewed by Skidmore College students Celia Caldas ’14 and Sarah Dinkelacker ’14 about her work Waiting for a Miracle (for Nina and John), 1986, in the exhibition One Work, 2014.

This interview was part of a series of interviews with artists in One Work organized and conducted by Skidmore students in the Art History course AH-351A. The series was supported by The Alfred Z. Solomon Residency Fund.

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Joan Snyder (born Highland Park, New Jersey, 1940)
Waiting for a Miracle (for Nina and John), 1986
oil, acrylic, papier-mâché, straw on linen
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Phillips

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Snyder, Joan. “Joan Snyder on Waiting for a Miracle (for Nina and John), 1986.” Interview by Celia Caldas and Sarah Dinkelacker. 2014. Tang Teaching Museum collections website, last modified October 22, 2018.
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