Collection Artwork
Carl Van Vechten (Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1880 – 1964, New York, New York)
[Alvin Ailey]
March 22, 1955
gelatin silver print
image size: 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 in.
paper size: 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 in.
The Jack Shear Collection of Photography at the Tang Teaching Museum
probably photographed in New York, New York, United States, North America
Artist; given to William “Bill” Earl, presumably December 1960; (Ursus Rare Books, Ltd., New York, New York, Fall 2016, cat. 336, lot 45, collection of photographs by Carl Van Vechten)[1]; purchased by Jack Shear, New York; given to the Tang Teaching Museum, 2017.
| [1] Cat. 336, Lot 45 incorrectly states the number of photographs in the collection as 429; there are 434 photographs in the collection.
Blindstamped, lower center:: PHOT[OGR]APH BY / CARL VAN VECHTEN
Inscribed, verso, upper middle: Alvin Ailey

Ongoing Research

Research on our collection is ongoing. If you have resources you’d like to share, please contact Associate Curator Rebecca McNamara.
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