Collection Artwork
Danielle St. Laurent (born Bear, Delaware, 1973)
The Latta/Siomkos Family In Quarantine
digital chromogenic print
paper size: 10 x 8 in.
photograph image size: 9 3/8 x 7 1/2 in.
The Jack Shear Collection of Photography at the Tang Teaching Museum
photographed in New Jersey, United States, North America
photograph: Signed, inscribed, and dated, paper verso, lower right: D St Laurent 02/10 / SIOMKOS FAMILY IN QUARANTINE 2020

Object Label

“Our mornings are actually much more unstructured and a lot less hectic during quarantine…There’s no pressure to get dressed and out the door by a certain time, so the kids can ease into their day with a little free play in their jammies, and less yelling from us to hurry up.” —Dana Siomkos

From the exhibition: Where Words Falter: Art and Empathy (July 9 – December 18, 2022)

Ongoing Research

Research on our collection is ongoing. If you have resources you’d like to share, please contact Associate Curator Rebecca McNamara.
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