Collection Artwork
A black and white photograph of a young, light-skinned man sitting facing the camera with his shirt-sleeves rolled up to his shoulders.
Deborah Luster (born Bend, Oregon, 1951)
E.C.P.P.F. 1 (James Willis, Transylvania, Louisiana) [from One Big Self: Prisoners of Louisiana]
silver emulsion on aluminum
image size: 4 7/8 x 4 in.
aluminum size: 4 7/8 x 4 in.
The Jack Shear Collection of Photography at the Tang Teaching Museum
photographed at the East Carroll Parish Prison Farm (minimum-security prison for men), Transylvania, Louisiana, United States, North America
Etched, verso, center: E.C.P.P.F. / Transylvania, / Louisiana / James Willis / doc # • 394655 / dob • 7•27•77 / pob • Ruston
Etched, verso, lower left: photo 1999
Signed and numbered, verso, lower right: Deborah / Luster / 4/25

Ongoing Research

Research on our collection is ongoing. If you have resources you’d like to share, please contact Associate Curator Rebecca McNamara.
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