Collection Artwork
Lamar Peterson (born St. Petersburg, FL, 1974)
The Angel
gouache, acrylic on paper
paper size: 37 3/4 x 30 in.
paper size: 37 3/4 x 30 in.
frame size: 40 7/8 x 33 x 1 3/4 in.
Gift of Anne and Arthur Goldstein
Signed, titled, and dated on verso

Ongoing Research

Research on our collection is ongoing. If you have resources you’d like to share, please contact Associate Curator Rebecca McNamara.

Tang Collective Catalog

Lamar Peterson’s graphic, colorful style is often set ironically against the deeper meaning imbued in his work. In his painting, The Angel, there are opposing images: sunset colored clouds on a daytime blue sky, and superficial, bubble like hearts next to spilled blood. The bubble hearts shower the central figure as if in a dream world; he is being showered by love. However, if that is the case, why are there spots of blood? Is it meant to represent the pain that often accompanies love? What lies behind the figure’s perfect smile? Why is he alone? Do the flamingos represent freedom and paradise, or plastic and artificiality? Peterson also adds images of sea turtles, icons of longevity and perhaps signifying how, even in paradise, one’s journey can be slow and long.
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