Family Saturday: Beehive Buzz

Still from video by Sanjna Selvarajan ’21 about Skidmore Biology Professor Monica Raveret Richter’s 2018 study on honey bee behavior

Join us on Saturday, March 2, at 2:00 pm for Family Saturday: Beehive Buzz. After discussing work in the Like Sugar exhibition and Elevator Music 38: Bioni Samp – Digital Beehvive, we will think about natural forms of sugar such as honey. Using paper, markers, construction paper and wiggly eyes, we will imagine and create our own beehives, buzz buzz!

Family Saturdays foster multigenerational creative collaboration through looking at artwork in our galleries, discussing and sharing ideas, and engaging in a hands-on art activity inspired by those conversations.

All programs run from 2:00 to 3:30 PM and are free and open to the public, and suitable for children ages 5 and older, accompanied by their adult companions.

Registration is required. You can register beginning one week before each program. For more information and to register, call our Visitors Services Desk at 518-580-8080. We welcome visitors of all abilities! Be prepared to get messy and have fun! Share your Family Saturday photos on social media by including #tangfamsat.

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