3-D Doings Symposium: Dunkerley Dialogue with Art Green and Flip Phillips

Art Green, Protective Coloration, 1969, mixed media on canvas, 72 x 50 inches

Join us on Thursday, October 25, at 6:00 pm, for a discussion with artist Art Green, whose work is featured in the exhibition 3-D Doings: The Imagist Object in Chicago Art, 1964-1980, and Skidmore College Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience Flip Phillips.

Dunkerley Dialogues pair artists with Skidmore faculty members in a format that acts as a catalyst for new connections and understandings across disciplines, and can spark new ideas for all participants. The series of conversations is named in honor of the generous support of Michele Dunkerley, Skidmore College Class of 1980.

This event free and open to the public.

The 3-D Doings Symposium continues with:

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