Dunkerley Dialogue: Wendy Ewald and Crystal Dea Moore

Photographer Wendy Ewald (right) speaks with Skidmore College Professor of Social Work Crystal Dea Moore during a Dunkerley Dialogue, Tang Teaching Museum, February 27, 2018

Join This Place photographer Wendy Ewald and Skidmore College professor of Social Work Crystal Dea Moore as they discuss Ewald’s conceptual photography practice in the exhibition This Place and beyond. In This is Where I Live, her project for This Place, Ewald taught and photographed children and adults in fourteen communities in Israel and the West Bank in their homes and villages, collecting tens of thousands of digital images, a selection of which is on display at the Tang Teaching Museum.

Wendy Ewald (b. 1951, Detroit, Michigan) has spent more than 40 years collaborating with children, families, and teachers all over the world. In her work, she encourages her collaborators to use cameras (as well as using the camera herself) to record themselves, their families and their communities, and to articulate their fantasies and dreams.

Crystal Dea Moore is the Interim Dean of Faculty, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and professor of Social Work at Skidmore College. Moore’s research focuses on mental health, gerontology, and health services.

This event is free and open to the public and will be followed by a reception.

The Dunkerley Dialogues are made possible by a generous gift from Michele Dunkerley ‘80.

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