Handmade Pop-Up

The Entrepreneurial Artist Initiative & Tang Teaching Museum present Handmade Pop-Up!

Join us on Friday, April 28, from 12:00 - 7:00pm, at the Tang Store, for a one-day sale of art & handmade items created by Skidmore College students in Arts Administration’s Marketplace for Artists Class and the Entrepreneurial Artist Initiative. Professor Elizabeth Dubben’s students will transform the foyer outside of the Tang Store into a unique, pop-up marketplace showcasing emerging artists.

Work by:
Savan DeSouza
Sanjana Gothi
Allison Gretchko
Patrick Griffin
Caroline Herman
Misha Holzman
Havana Liu
Julia Rendell
Jamie Scherzer
Julia Slaff
Madeleine Welsch
Goa Zhu

Handmade Pop-up will be the first of three events celebrating student creativity at the Tang. Also starting at 12:00 pm, Professor Adam Tinkle’s students will transform a hallway inside the Tang Museum into a tiny FM radio station for a live broadcast of their final audio projects. Following the broadcast will be the annual Tang Party, where we’ll ring in the end of the academic year with an epic celebration of student art including site-specific installations and live music.

Schedule of events on 4/28:

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