Tang Party 2017

Tang Party, Tang Teaching Museum, April 28, 2016, photo by Andrzej Pilarczyk

Ring in the end of the academic year and celebrate Skidmore College student creativity at the annual Tang Party!

The event will feature site-specific installations across the Tang grounds created by students from across class years and majors. They include pieces made in and out of the classroom, works developed collaboratively by student groups, and even a presentation of one class’s final work. The evening will also feature a exciting program of life music.

This event is organized by the Tang Student Advisory Council with Skidmore College student club ProArts.

Tang Party is one of three events celebrating student creativity at the Tang. Starting at 12:00 pm, the Tang store will have a one-day sale of art & handmade items created by Skidmore College students. Also starting at 12:00 pm, Professor Adam Tinkle’s students will transform a hallway inside the Tang Museum into a tiny FM radio station for a live broadcast of their final audio projects. Immediately following the broadcast is the annual Tang Party!

Schedule of events on 4/28:

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