Readings by Mike Albo and Shelley Marlow

Shelley Marlow and Mike Albo reading excerpts in Liz Collins — Energy Field, Tang Teaching Museum, September 29, 2015, photo by Andrzej Pilarczyk

Join us for an intimate evening of readings by New York-based writers Mike Albo and Shelley Marlow in the Tang installation Liz Collins — Energy Field.

This event is free and open to the public.

About Mike Albo

Mike Albo is the author of the novels Hornito (Harper Perennial, 2001) and The Underminer: The Best Friend Who Casually Destroys Your Life (co-written with Virginia Heffernan, Bloomsbury, 2006), as well as the novella, The Junket and the new ebook, Spermhood: Diary of a Donor, available as an Amazon Kindle Single. Solo shows include Mike Albo, Mike Albo; Spray; Please Everything Burst; My Price Point; and an Off Broadway production of The Junket, directed by David Schweizer. His newest solo show, “Spermhood,” also directed by Mr. Schweizer, will be appearing at Dixon Place in October. Twitter and Instagram: @albomike, Facebook: Mike Albo.

About Shelley Marlow

Shelley Marlow is the author of the novel Two Augusts In a Row In a Row (Publication Studio, 2015). Marlow’s essay on a visit with shamans in Siberia is reprinted online here. Marlow’s writing and visual art is found in several publications including LTTR (Lesbians To The Rescue); alLuPiNiT, an environmental magazine; Drunken Boat,; and the St. Petersburg Review. Marlow’s paintings were recently exhibited at Artmarket Provincetown and Valentine Gallery, NY. Marlow wrote the lyrics to the musical, UnKnot Turandot, La Mama Theater, NY; and presented an interactive project, International Witch Stories in the Italian Pavilion for the 48th Venice Biennial.

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