Gallery Talk and Dunkerley Dialogue with Mark Allen, Rachel Seligman and Beck Krefting

Mark Allen, Rachel Seligman, Beck Krefting, and Adam Tinkle (from left to right) during the Machine Project Dunkerley Dialogue, September 24, 2015.

Join us for a discussion exploring ideas of art and social engagement in the exhibition Machine Project — The Platinum Collection (Live by Special Request). Gallery talk will be with Mark Allen, artist, Machine Project director, and a 1993 Skidmore graduate; and Rachel Seligman, Assistant Director of Curatorial Affairs at the Tang. The Dunkerley Dialogue will follow the gallery talk and include Allen, Seligman, and Beck Krefting, assistant professor of American Studies at Skidmore College.

Dunkerley Dialogues are made possible by a generous gift from Michele Dunkerley, Skidmore College Class of 1980.

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