Civil Society for Sale, Part 1

Debbie Warnock, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology, Skidmore, and other panelists speak during Civil Society for Sale, Part 1, in We the People, Tang Teaching Museum, February 7, 2013, photo by Andrzej Pilarczyk
The first in a two-part event series, part 1 of Civil Society for Sale brought together Skidmore faculty from various departments to share their perspective on the relationship between different institutions in civil society and the market economy. Moderated by John Brueggemann (Sociology), the panel included Dan Nathan (American Studies) on sports; Debbie Warnock (Sociology) on education; Pat Oles (Social Work) on human service agencies; and Andrew Cencini (Computer Sciences) on digital technology and the internet. Following the panelists’ presentations, approximately 100 Skidmore students, faculty, and staff and Saratoga community members participated in a lively discussion.
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