Panelists during Balancing Perspectives: An Informed Voter Panel in We the People, Tang Teaching Museum, October 23, 2012
A panel of Skidmore College experts presented information on a range of issues central to the presidential race. Professor Ronald Seyb of the Government Department acted as host and moderator providing the audience with a brief introduction to the event. The panelists were Natalie Taylor (Government Department) on Gender and Family; Feryaz Ocakli (Government Department) on Foreign Policy; Riley Neugebauer (Campus Sustainability Coordinator) on the Environment; Robert Turner (Government Department) on Immigration; Pat Oles (Department of Social Work) on Tax Reform; Rick Chrisman (Director of Religious and Spiritual Life) on Religion; and Peter von Allmen (Ecomonics Department) on Healthcare. The event was sponsored by the Skidmore Speakers Bureau, and organized by Alexandra Steinhauer and Anna Farrell.
Panelists during Balancing Perspectives: An Informed Voter Panel in We the People, Tang Teaching Museum, October 23, 2012
Panelists during Balancing Perspectives: An Informed Voter Panel in We the People, Tang Teaching Museum, October 23, 2012