A Vaudeville Circus at the Tang Museum

Arts Fest Fridays in Saratoga presents A Vaudeville Circus at the Tang Teaching Museum

Arts Fest Fridays presents A Vaudeville Circus at the Tang Museum, featuring tumblers, tricksters, tappers and much, much more! The evening’s entertainment includes dancing by Saratoga Jazz Tap, performances by the Skidmore Circus Club and Waldorf School Circus Club, violin by Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s Mike Campese, and our headline act: the traveling one-man-band extravaganza known as The Suitcase Junket. Food will be provided by event sponsor The Circus Café.

All this while performers mingle with visitors as they tour the Tang’s current exhibitions, Affinity Atlas and Machine Project - The Platinum Collection (Live by Special Request).

This is a free, family-friendly event organized as part of Arts Fest Fridays. Arts Fest Fridays are free, entertainment-filled events in Saratoga Springs that occur on the first Friday of the month September through December.

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