deepdeepbodygl!tter Open Rehearsal

There will be an open rehearsal at the Tang on Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm.

deepdeepbodygl!tter is a 21st century folk dance, a ritual for nothing and everything. Hosted by Hana van der Kolk ‘00 and current Skidmore students Ally Lehman'17 and Cinthia Duran Larrea ‘19, this fully immersive event invites participants along in a journey of intimacy, absurdity, cooperation and celebration. Somewhere between a party, a square dance, a transformational encounter group, and a performative ritual honoring seen and unseen forces in our lives, deepdeepbodygl!tter is open to anyone regardless of dance experience, physical ability, or level of trepidation about holding hands with strangers. Bring yourself and your party pants (or dress). The rest will emerge in glittery glory.

The final event will be at the Tang on Friday, November 13, at 7:30 pm.

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