Malloy Lecture with Saya Woolfalk

Saya Woolfalk, courtesy of the artist

Join us Tuesday, February 11, at 6 pm, for the Studio Art Department’s annual Malloy Lecture, this year delivered by artist Saya Woolfalk. Woolfalk’s work has been shown at the Tang in the exhibitions Where Words Falter: Art and Empathy and Never Done: 100 Years of Women in Politics and Beyond, and is featured in the exhibition catalogue Alma Thomas.

About Saya Woolfalk

Saya Woolfalk creates works of art that incorporate the African American, European American, and Japanese influences of her family background. Also alluding to science fiction, feminist theory, mythology, anthropology, archaeology, Eastern religion, and fashion, she re-imagines a utopian, empathic world through painting, sculpture, video, performance, multimedia installations, and public artworks. She is currently working on a mid-career survey titled Empathic Universe, to be presented at the Museum of Arts and Design in the Spring of 2025.

About the Malloy Lecture

Artist Susan Rabinowitz Malloy earned a B.S. in art from Skidmore in 1945. In 1991 Malloy endowed Skidmore Art Department’s Malloy Visiting Artist Lecture series, which annually brings to campus distinguished contemporary artists of international stature.

The Malloy Lecture is presented by the Studio Art Department at Skidmore College and is free and open to the public.

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