Whole Grain: The Passion of Remembrance (1986)

Two black women sit back to back in a dimly lit space, looking off at something to our right.
Production still from The Passion of Remembrance by Maureen Blackwood and Isaac Julien (1986, UK, 82 min., 4K restoration).

Join us Tuesday, March 5, at 6 pm, for a screening of Maureen Blackwood and Isaac Julien’s The Passion of Remembrance (1986, UK, 82 min., 4K restoration). Blackwood and Julien’s Sankofa Collective’s influential first film is a landmark work in British avant-garde film and video. It ambitiously explores themes of racism, homophobia, sexism, and generational tensions as embodied in the reality known by a Black British family over the years.

Experience a single-channel film from Julien’s early career, in contrast to the immersive, multi-channel experience of the exhibition Isaac Julien: Lessons of the Hour, on view in the Malloy Wing through May 19, 2024. This screening is part of the Tang’s ongoing series Whole Grain: Experiments in Film & Video.

About Whole Grain

The Tang Teaching Museum’s Whole Grain series explores classic and contemporary work in experimental film and video. Whole Grain is programmed by Assistant Director for Engagement Tom Yoshikami. All events are free and open to the public.

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