Whole Grain: Young Soul Rebels (1991)

Two black men wearing baseball jerseys stand looking over a turntable and table of records.
Production still from Young Soul Rebels by Isaac Julien (1991, 105 min., 4K restoration).

Join us Thursday, February 22, at 6 pm, for Isaac Julien’s delightfully rebellious debut feature about sex, politics, music and friendship in 1977 London. During the week of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee, a young black London DJ, who together with his gay partner operates a pirate radio station, becomes implicated in the murder of a mutual friend.

Experience a single-channel film from Julien’s early career, in contrast to the immersive, multi-channel experience of the exhibition Isaac Julien: Lessons of the Hour, on view in the Malloy Wing through May 19, 2024. This screening is part of the Tang’s ongoing series Whole Grain: Experiments in Film & Video.

About Whole Grain

The Tang Teaching Museum’s Whole Grain series explores classic and contemporary work in experimental film and video. Whole Grain is programmed by Assistant Director for Engagement Tom Yoshikami. All events are free and open to the public.

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