Whole Grain: Moving Words

A black and white film still with the word "friend" below a closeup photo of a person looking down.
Still image from Gently Down the Stream (Su Friedrich, US, 1981, 14 minutes)

Join us Tuesday, September 26, at 6:30 pm, for a Whole Grain: Experiments in Film & Video program entitled Moving Words, featuring short films that explore the relationship between text and image. This screening is organized in conjunction with the exhibition Unset Texts, on view through December 30. Associate Professor of English Paul Benzon, who co-curated the exhibition, will introduce the screening and lead a discussion following.

The program includes:

Dakota (YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES, South Korea, 2001, 6 min., video)
Gently Down the Stream (Su Friedrich, US, 1981, 14 min., 16mm)
Waterworks (A Clear Day and No Memories) (Rick Hancox, US, 1982, 6 min.,16mm)
Measures of Distance (Mona Hatoum, Palestine, 1988, 16 min., video)

This event is free and open to the public.

About Whole Grain

The Tang Teaching Museum’s Whole Grain series explores classic and contemporary work in experimental film and video. Whole Grain is programmed by Assistant Director for Engagement Tom Yoshikami. All events are free and open to the public.

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