Gallery Talk in Forms of Awakening

Against a white circular background, a central seated figure with red skin and a blue robe is surrounded by several other figures in their own variously colored circles.
Unrecorded Tibetan artist, Tsepakmé, the Buddha of Unlimited Life, 19th Century, distemper on cloth, 33 ¾ x 25 inches, The Jack Shear Collection of Himalayan Art

Join Benjamin Bogin, Associate Professor of Asian Studies, Rachel Seligman, Assistant Director for Curatorial Affairs and Malloy Curator, Ariana Maki, Associate Director of the Tibet Center and Bhutan Initiative at the University of Virginia, and artist Palden Weinreb on Saturday, October 21, at 4 pm, for a Celebration Weekend gallery talk in Forms of Awakening: Selections from the Jack Shear Collection of Himalayan Art.

Following the talk, we invite visitors to our Fall Opening Reception.

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