Family Saturday: Hand Sculptures

A dark but colorful painting features a seated figure in the center with two gold handprints above and two gold footprints below.
Unrecorded Tibetan artist, The Footprints and Handprints of a Red Hat Teacher, 18th/19th century, distemper on cloth, 48 5/8 x 16 7/8 inches, The Jack Shear Collection of Himalayan Art

Join us Saturday, September 23, at 2 pm, for Family Saturday: Hand Sculptures! Following a discussion of The Footprints and Handprints of a Red Hat Teacher in Forms of Awakening: Selections from the Jack Shear Collection of Himalayan Art, participants will be invited to create and decorate hand sculptures using winter gloves stuffed with rice and batting.

Family Saturday programs foster multigenerational creative cooperation through looking at artwork, discussing it, and engaging in a hands-on art-making activity. Programs run from 2-3:30 pm and include a tour of selected works. All programs are free and open to the public, and suitable for children age 5 and older, accompanied by their adult companions. No registration required; supplies provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

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