In Conversation with Melissa Winter ’89

A blonde haired white woman in an orange blouse under a black cardigan sits next to a Black woman in a white, grey, and black blouse. Both have humorous expressions on their faces.
Official White House photograph by Lawrence Jackson.

*The event was initially scheduled in February but was postponed due to inclement weather.*

Skidmore students, faculty, and staff are invited to join us in person on Friday, April 22, at 4:30 pm, for a conversation with Melissa Winter ’89, longtime Chief of Staff to former First Lady Michelle Obama. Kate Graney, Professor of Political Science, and Natalie Taylor, Associate Professor of Political Science, both co-curators of Never Done: 100 Years of Women in Politics and Beyond, will facilitate the conversation with Melissa about her path from majoring in Art History at Skidmore to working for Michelle Obama.

This event, sponsored by the Political Science Department and the Center for Leadership, Teaching and Learning (CLTL), is is free and open to the public.

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