Toying with Stop-Motion Animation: A Workshop with Lauren Kelley

A person with a black doll head is facing forward in a driver seat with drawings covering their body and their surroundings, a doll and a sculpture pasted near them.
Lauren Kelley, Storyboard Component: Accumulating Inventory, 2021, archival pigment prints, 11 x 10 inches, courtesy of the artist

Join us on Friday, March 4, from 10am to noon, for hands-on workshop in stop-motion animation, led by exhibiting artist Lauren Kelley, whose exhibition Lauren Kelley: Location Scouting is on view on the mezzanine. Kelley will share images from her exhibition as a means toward providing a rudimentary experience for participants to produce a stop-motion animated video. No experience necessary!

Registration required as space is limited. Register using this Google form.

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