Family Saturday: Symphony of Colors

A book lays open displaying colorful paintings. On the left page, lines of teal, yellow, red, and other dark colors make rectangles and triangles. On the right page, oranges, reds and other warm colors swirl around, surrounded by a teal, brown, and grey painted frame.
Sarah Cain, music book (detail), 2008–2020, gouache on approximately 25 bound music sheets, 13 in x 20 inches each, courtesy of the artist, Vielmetter Los Angeles, and Anthony Meier Fine Arts

Join us Saturday, August 7, at either 1:00PM or 3:00PM for Family Saturday: Symphony of Colors, a multigenerational workshop for children 5 and older and their adult companions. Each session includes looking at artwork, discussing and sharing ideas, and engaging in a hands-on art activity inspired by those conversations.

This week, we will look at different pages of Sarah Cain’s music book, where the artist paints with gouache right on sheets of music! After thinking about possible relationships between how we experience color and music, we will create our own music sheets that continue to explore how color and music can influence and change the way we experience the world.

Registration is required and is limited to five families for each workshop session. Due to small workshop groups, we are offering each session two times, from 1:00 to 2:30pm and from 3:00 to 4:30pm. Because children are unvaccinated, masks are required for all.

You can register beginning one week before each program. To register, call the Tang Visitors Services Desk at 518-580-8080. Be sure to include which session time you are signing up for.

We welcome visitors of all abilities! Be prepared to get messy and have fun!

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