Organize Your Own

Large pieces of white paper lined up next to each other with the words "POWER UP" printed in a rainbow gradient with blocks of white text on colorful backgrounds underneath it.
Corita Kent, power up, 1965, serigraph on pellon, 29 x 35 inches, Tang Teaching Museum, gift of Joseph B. Hudson, Jr. Esq., 2015.33.1a-d

Join us on Tuesday, April 27, at 6:00PM, via Zoom for talks featuring social and racial justice publications conceived of and presented by students in Visiting Assistant Professor of Art Lindsay Buchman’s Studio Art 351K: Reimagining Representation course, followed by a Q&A. Read more about the course at our Art & Ideas page.

Register for this event on Zoom.

Students in the class formed alliances across belonging and location, while striving to dismantle gender binaries, and providing representation for biracial family formation. They drew inspiration from a number of sources, including Organize Your Own: The Politics and Poetics of Self-Determination Movements, a multi-city exhibition curated by Daniel Tucker that started in 2016 at University of Pennsylvania’s Kelly Writers House; the history of the Black Panther Party’s Ten-Point Program; the Black Panther Party Newspaper; and the Black Panther Party archive in the Tang collection.

By organizing their shared communities, each collaborative publication asks readers to reconsider their positionality through questioning default culture. By reimagining underrepresented narratives, each project advocates for a more inclusive society, providing ways to get involved, educational resources, and self-reflective tools for organizing your own.

Presenting Students
Sophia Paulino Adames ’22
Cassie Bond ’22
Anna Cahn ’21
Will Carter ’23
River Cohen ’22
Allie Cottingham ’23
Malchijah Hoskins ’22
Lily Kops ’22
Karen Kwok ’23
Jordan McGee ’22
Andres Priest-Lopez ’21
Esther Pronovost ’21
Miranda Sapers ’21
Charlotte Squire ’21
Issa Traore ’21

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