Whole Grain: The Inheritance

A Black man energetically reads aloud from a book, while raising his right fist in the air.
Still image from The Inheritance (2020, US, 100 min., digital transfer from 16mm)

Join us on Tuesday, April 27, at 8:30 PM, for an outdoor screening of Ephraim Asili’s acclaimed debut feature The Inheritance (2020, US, 100 min., digital transfer from 16mm).

Reservations for this outdoor screening are required. Please register via this form.

An astonishing ensemble work set almost entirely within a West Philadelphia house where a community of young, Black artists and activists form a collective. A scripted drama of characters attempting to work towards political consensus — based partly on Asili’s own experiences in a Black liberationist group — weaves with a documentary recollection of the Philadelphia liberation group MOVE, the victim of a notorious police bombing in 1985.

Ceaselessly finding commonalties between politics, humor, and philosophy, with Black authors and radicals at its edges, The Inheritance is, “One of the best movies of the year. An excellent debut. Observed with warmth and playful humor, without ever losing sight of serious political purposes and the potential for poetry therein” (Sight and Sound).

This in-person event is open only to Skidmore students, faculty, and staff, and has a limited capacity. Safety measures, including strict six-foot social distancing and mask wearing, will be enforced. You are encouraged to bring your own chair or blanket, as they will not be provided.

About the Artist

Ephraim Asili is a filmmaker, multimedia artist, DJ, radio host, and educator. He is Assistant Professor of Film and Electronic Arts at Bard College. His films, which focus on his travels throughout the African diaspora, have been shown at festivals worldwide, including the New York Film Festival, Toronto Film Festival, Ann Arbor Film Festival (where he received the Most Promising Filmmaker Prize), Milano Film Festival, Trinidad and Tobago International Film Festival, Boston Museum of Fine Art, and elsewhere. Asili DJs on WGCX FM and at the semi-regular dance party Botanica. He is the recipient of a 2021 Guggenheim Fellowship.

About Whole Grain

The Tang Teaching Museum’s Whole Grain series explores classic and contemporary work in experimental film and video. The series is programmed by Assistant Director for Engagement Tom Yoshikami.

The Inheritance Trailer
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