Tang at Home Studio: What a View!

A photograph of a tanned family, one adult female, one adult male, and two children look out from a window.
Danielle St. Laurent, The Austin Family In Quarantine, from the portfolio Family Portraits In The Time Of COVID-19, 2020, digital chromogenic print, The Jack Shear Collection of Photography at the Tang Teaching Museum, 2020.48.1a-b

Join us Saturday, February 27, at 11:00 AM, for Tang at Home Studio: What a View! Photographer Danielle St. Laurent created a series of family portraits during the pandemic in which families are separated by windows. We will look at Laurent’s photographs from the exhibition Pandemic and Protest, and think about how we can find creative ways to connect with others. Take a walk in your neighborhood or look out your window and gather ideas about what windows can reveal and represent to you. What stories can you imagine from your window? From rainbows to positive messages like “Stronger Together,” we will make our own paper-based windows from which we can look out at the world, and others can look at us.  

Hosted by Sunny Ra, The Laurie M. Tisch Educator for K-12 and Community Programs, and her team of Skidmore student interns, these sessions are geared toward children ages 5 to 12 accompanied by a parent or guardian. This hour-long live session will focus on exploring and sharing our thoughts about the artwork, learning more about the artist and then making our own inspired work! 

Before Saturday’s live event, check out these high-definition images of the photographs.

Tang at Home Studios are free, however, registration is required and space is limited. Register for this event.

Once you register, you will receive confirmation, project instructions, and a Zoom link. Registration will close once the event reaches capacity. 

If you have any questions, please email Museum Educator Sunny Ra at sra@skidmore.edu.

Explore more multigenerational art activities you can do at home.

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