We’ve Only Just Begun Curators’ Talk

A black and white image of a group of light-skinned and dark-skinned young people in a room standing around an older light-skinned man seated in a chair with his right hand raised in oratory gesture.
Students Take Over President Palamountain’s Office, 1971, black and white photograph, courtesy of Special Collections, Scribner Library, Skidmore College and the Albany Times Union

Join us on Friday, April 2, at noon, for a Zoom conversation about researching, organizing and designing the online exhibition We’ve Only Just Begun: 100 Years of Skidmore Women in Politics, a revealing tour through the Skidmore archives. Rachel Seligman, Assistant Director for Curatorial Affairs and Malloy Curator, will moderate a discussion with her exhibition co-organizers Katherine Graney, Professor of Political Science, and Natalie Taylor, Associate Professor of Political Science, and collaborator Jane Kjaer, Special Collections, Scribner Library.

Register for this event.

About the Participants

Natalie Fuehrer Taylor is Associate Professor & Chair of the Political Science Department. She has taught American political thought and courses in the history of Western political philosophy since joining Skidmore’s faculty in 2002. She is the author of The Rights of Chimera: the Political Philosophy of Mary Wollstonecraft and the editor of A Political Companion to Henry Adams. She has also contributed chapters on second-wave feminism and its legacy to volumes such as American Political Thought, You’ve Come a Long Way Baby: Women, Politics, & Popular Culture and Mad Men and Politics: Nostalgia and the Remaking of Modern America.

Katherine Graney is a Professor of Political Science and Director of the Gender Studies program at Skidmore. Since receiving her BA from the College of the Holy Cross and her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Professor Graney has taught Political Science, International Relations, Inter-Group Relations and Gender Studies at Skidmore. A specialist in the politics of the former Soviet Union, she also teaches courses on European politics, international human rights, gender and international relations, and comparative racial politics. She is the author of two books, including Russia, The Former Soviet Republics and Europe Since 1989 (2019, Oxford University Press).

Jane Kjaer is a curator at the Lucy Scriber Library at Skidmore College, where she works in Special Collections and Rare Books. Kjaer helps preserve and maintain the library collection, as well as works directly with students in archival research.

Anchor name: Video
We’ve Only Just Begun Curators’ Talk
On Friday, April 2, Rachel Seligman moderated a discussion with exhibition co-organizers Katherine Graney and Natalie Taylor, with collaborator Jane Kjaer.
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