Tang Live: Mask-Making Workshop
with Maria Staack ’22 and Fiona McLaughlin ’20

Side by side images of screenshots from Tang Live events, featuring two students
Join us Thursday, April 9, at 7:00 PM, for Tang Live, a Skidmore student takeover event on the Tang’s Instagram. Maria Staack ’22, Tang Digital Media Assistant, will lead Fiona McLaughlin ’20, Tang Design Assistant, and Instagram viewers through a mask-making workshop. This workshop also features a discussion with Nathan Bloom ’21, Tang Design Assistant and Naomi Weinstein P’21, VP of Innovations at the Institute for Community Living in New York City, on how we can connect and help others in the time of COVID-19.
Pattern as of Feb 14, 10:39:26 pm
daily on-campus page views: 190
daily off-campus page views: 664
current wind in Saratoga Springs: 3.94 mph, WNW
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