Spotlight Series: Hair Jewelry

a necklace with a cross at the bottom and a cross sit on a white background. both are made of hair and gold material
Left: Unrecorded artist, necklace, c. 1815–1835, hair, gold, Tang Teaching Museum collection, gift of Dr. Grace Swanner, 1995.231, Right: Unrecorded artist, cross, probably early to mid-19th century, hair, goldtone, Tang Teaching Museum collection, gift of Dr. Grace Swanner, 1995.225

On Tuesday, October 15, at 4:00 PM, join Jess Lincoln ’20 for Spotlight Series: Hair Jewelry. Lincoln will lead an object tour of “Hair Jewelry” selected from the Tang collection and facilitate conversation. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Sweets will be provided.

About Spotlight Series

Spotlight Series explores rarely seen works from the Tang collection through single-object tours that facilitate open conversations surrounding the artwork, artist, and issues addressed by the object. The Spotlight Series is organized by Jess Lincoln ’20, an Art History major at Skidmore College. Lincoln has been involved at the Tang Teaching Museum since the summer of 2018 and is working as an intern in the Registrarial and Engagement departments this fall.

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