Mindfulness & Meditation with Lama Lhanang Rinpoche

detail of Artist Unknown (Tibet), Padmasambhava, 19th century, pigment on cloth, 28 ¼ x 20 inches, image courtesy of the Rubin Museum of Art

Join us inside The Second Buddha: Master of Time for a 30-minute guided meditation program with Tibetan Buddhist Master Lama Lhanang Rinpoche.

This event is in conjunction with the Skidmore Mindfulness Program and is free and open to the public.

About Lama Lhanang Rinpoche

Lama Lhanang Rinpoche is a spiritual teacher of the Nyingma Longchen Nying-Thig order of Tibetan Buddhism and has studied with many masters from different lineages. Born, raised and educated in Northeast Tibet, Rinpoche shares teachings from an unbroken tradition in a way that is fresh, cross-cultural, and current for these times. He is an accomplished instructor of meditation, Anu-yoga, art, Feng-shui, cultural and historical studies as well as a skilled practitioner of Tibetan medicine.

Today he lives and teaches in California and travels extensively throughout the U.S., Canada,Mexico and Europe — teaching, consulting, speaking and conducting spiritual ceremonies.

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