Himalayan Glacier Soundscapes: An Acoustic Story on Climate Change

Join us for a presentation by composer/percussionist Susie Ibarra as she shares some sounds, techniques, and photos from her collaborative project where she sonically maps the Ganges River.

What does climate change sound like? What sounds do the resulting physical and cultural changes make? Susie Ibarra discusses how she uses sonic monitoring to document the physical and cultural adaptations to climate change. Ibarra talks about her collaboration with Glaciologist and Geomorphologist Michelle Koppes, her science team, sound team Jake Landau and Daniel Neumann, and videographer and photographer Rajesh Kumar Singh to map 1,200 miles of the Ganges River from source to sink. Ibarra presents the sounds as a shared memory experience and is working to create a new music composition for a 3D installation and performance at the Rubin Museum in 2020.

About Susie Ibarra

Susie Ibarra is a composer and percussionist who creates live and immersive music that explores rhythm, indigenous practices and interaction with cities and the natural world. Her work includes the recording Perception (2017); Musical Water Routes in the Medina of Fez (2016), a music and river route mobile app; Mirrors and Water, a sonic installation commissioned for Ai Wei Wei’s Circle of Animals/Zodiac Signs at the National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, Wyoming (2015); Circadian Rhythms (2013), commissioned for Earth Day at Rensselaer RPI EMPAC; and others.

She has performed with Pauline Oliveros, NEA heritage artist Danongan Kalanduyan, John Zorn, Wadada Leo Smith, Dave Douglas, Tania Léon, Ikue Mori, Yusef Komunyakaa, Yuka Honda, Sylvie Courvoisier, Trisha Brown, Derek Bailey, Marc Ribot, Jennifer Choi, Craig Taborn, Mali singer songwriter Mamadou Kelley and Hamdcha Sufi Group of Fez, Morocco. She teaches at Bennington College.

This event is free and open to the public.

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